CleanGreen® Products
We know that you have a million things to do, and time is money. So when it comes to your oil, waste, cleaning, and remediation needs, we've got you covered.
Our CleanGreen products are on another level, and compared to competitors, they are simply the best.
Our product line-up isn't large, but it doesn't have to be: what we do we do very well, and our products are versatile enough to bring solutions to many needs.
CleanGreen® OilTec
Our state-of-the-art, non-ionic, biobased surfactant which enhances oil recovery and also increases its quality. OilTec is a wellbore cleaner, paraffin loosener, sludge breaker, oil lightener/sweetener, and solvent: the full package which can't be beat. OilTec is generally used to loosen paraffin, open fissures, and increase oil production, but there are so many more benefits which OilTec boasts that, no matter the situation, it easily pays for itself over and beyond.
CleanGreen Formula 144®
Our top-of-the-line commercial, industrial, and wastewater cleaner literally conquers any cleaning job it faces. It perfectly cleans factories, food production facilities, wastewater tanks, offices, kitchens, amenities, warehouses, vehicles, sewer drains, and more. It's also the best engine and machinery degreaser on the market; it's perfect at breaking up the oil and grime residues which naturally result from usage. It does it all!
CleanGreen® Planet Wash
Our 100% biodegradable, non-toxic marine and oil surfactant is completely organic and will clean anything and everything that can affect nature. Planet Wash is perfect for industrial cleaning marinas and harbors, boats, beaches, rocks, shorelines, and it's the perfect animal wash for endangered wildlife.
CleanGreen® BioTec For Wastewater
Our quality microbial digester is used to eliminate waste from septic lagoons, wastewater tanks, and city sewer lines. We've hand-picked specific strains of bacteria that act as both aerobic and anaerobic, so they digest from the bottom-up and the top-down, handling surface skims and sludge underneath.
CleanGreen® BioTec For Livestock
Our premium bacterial package is used to manage the waste and bloods in cattle pens, manure pits, fertilizer storage tanks, and slaughterhouses. But we formulate the product rates when necessary, so that no only can the waste be digested fully, but it can be broken down into a more usable substance. For dairy lagoons used as a fertilizer source, this is the perfect option.
CleanGreen® TerraMax
Our top-of-the-line complex of humic acids, cultured bacteria, and trace minerals is the best soil remediation solution when cleaning biohazard wastes, digesting crop husks like bagasse, and restoring various earth types to their best and most fertile state. From farm to slaughterhouse and even oil spills, biohazards don't stand a chance.
How To Order
Call or email! We can even accommodate texting (“Main Office” number not included).
Depending on location and availability, we can provide local support and order shipping through our dealer network nationwide.
We also do a tremendous volume of drop shipments throughout the United States. This service is easily handled by our staff and vast freight connections.
We email and text invoices, and we also mail them through USPS.
Proud To Wear The Badge…
EPA Listed
We are currently on the NCP Product Schedule through the EPA as a product safe to use for emergency responses to oil spills.
Click to learn more.
NSF Certified
We are presently certified through NSF as a producer of Nonfood Compound products.
Click to learn more.
USDA Approved
We have been approved through the USDA BioPreferred Program as a producer of bio-based products.
Click to learn more.
We are in the SAM Register and fully compliant as a vendor to the U.S. Federal Government.
Click to learn more.
GRAS Approved
Our products are produced from materials that are “Generally Recognized As Safe” by the FDA.
Click to learn more.
100% American-Made
Our products are 100% made in America by Americans. We are proud to serve the United States and our economy!

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