Our Business Beliefs & Core Ethics

To be frank, discretion has assisted us with doing business wisely.  However, we feel that transparency regarding our corporate policies and company culture is something to be shared proudly.

And just what is the driving passion behind U.S. Ag Industrial designing and selling such exceptional products ?

We're glad you asked, and we're happy to share.

Taking Sides vs. Bridging the Gap

There are so many opinions now treated as Truth that it's near impossible to understand what is right methodology when trying to turn a profit while also trying to accommodate those who are passionate about environmental issues.

And yet, the saying "judge the fruit" has never made more sense than today.  Out of all the "Truth" that is being put out as fact, so many of those things clash with each other and contradict one another that they can't be trusted.  Whatever happened to the Truth of cooperation, or the reality of mutual solutions?  Where one is satisfied and another is disadvantaged for the "greater good", what if there is a better way?

What if there have been half-truths and misunderstandings which have done nothing more than exacerbate division and keep both industry and ecology from collaborating together and finding satisfactory answers to both their needs? One wants to turn a profit and optimize technological living, and the other wants to save the planet and optimize natural health.

...What if we could do both?

At U.S. Ag Industrial, this is our core goal and belief.  We firmly believe that increasing energy productions and reducing biohazards through environmentally-friendly solutions is doable and profitable.  We believe that by sustainably and appropriately mining, processing, renewing, and cultivating our natural resources, there are ways to make money, save money, render lifestyle innovations, and keep both planet and people safe, healthy, and thriving: all at the same time.

With Dignity, With Morality, Without Compromise

  • We believe in the merit of biodiversity and biobased solutions, but we do believe that natural resource and petroleum production (fossil fuels) is healthier for the planet and wildlife, being the lesser harmful option when compared to the environmentally-detrimental fabrication processes of "renewable" energy.

  • We believe that the pursuit of green energy is admirable, but never at the cost of killing any part of the environment and its inhabitant with "ends-justify-the-means" reasoning; never to the detriment of 3rd-world culture environments, no matter how small the community; and never at the cost of condemning and disgracing the integrity of those individuals who pursue fossil production as the means for their livelihood.

  • We believe in appropriate sanitation disposal. And while we are of the opinion that human waste has a negative impact to the environment in fertilizer use, we endeavor to accommodate those who pursue this method. We believe in healthy waste-to-soil distribution, soil fertility maintenance, negating harmful elements found in human waste, and maximizing nutrient and mineral efficiency.

  • We believe in innovation, but we believe that agricultural or biological manipulation is for the most part unethical, unnecessary, and inevitably destructive.

  • We believe in bioaugmentation, "green" products for agricultural and animal needs, and environmentally-sustainable farming.

  • We are advocates for the Oil & Gas Industry, the Waste Management & Remediation Industry, the Water Treatment Industry, the Automotive Industry, the Agricultural Industry, and Environmental Protection.

  • We are patriotic to the United States of America and to the Constitution.

  • We believe in honesty, we believe in morality, we believe in authority, we believe in equality over equity, we believe in dignity, we believe in both personal and business integrity, and we believe in the Golden Rule, which is "love thy neighbor as thyself."

With all this being said, we are here to do business, and to increase yours!  And if it's ecological advocacy you're looking for: say no more, we're in your corner.  There truly is a way to bring industry financial profit while bringing ecology peace of mind.

...And U.S. Ag Industrial is the answer.

Our Code of Business Ethics & Values…

If you would like to know where we stand and how we choose to operate as a company, an employer, and a business partner, we are happy to publicly share our business policy.  Please see our official Code of Business Ethics & Values below.

We look forward to proving our quality to you in all we do.

Learn more about how we are bridging the gap between the industrial sectors and environmental advocacies.  Call us today!